… and all of your other design files of course! In a world where more and more design teams are spread all over the place, version control is becoming more and more important.
?Yes you can use the built in MacOS feature that gives you this functionallity inside of many of your favorite Mac apps (Sketch is one of them, RapidWeaver another one of my personal favs).
But you don’t live in a closed bubble, specially when you are working in the consultant world with big clients, big teams aka a lot of room for error. Or in large product teams that need working on the same files, accessing this and that. Don’t even get me started trying to do this via Dropbox, Google Drive or iCloud.
For Sketch there are a couple of paid services that will do this but I’m a fan of exploring other options. ?I want something to work with all my design and developer files. Enter Git.
First I tried using Github. All the cool Sketch plugins seems to be there. Awesome. But Github is a bit confusing for me, something in how things are layed out. And you need to pay for private projects aka private repositories.
Then my dear colleague Fredrik tipped me about using Atlassians Bitbucket. You can have up to 5 private repositories for free! Woo-hoo! And I really like their web app, it’s clean, crisp and actually not so confusing (looking @ you Github). Together with their free desktop client called Sourcetree you have a very powerful combination of version controlling tools. Just check out my very brief test of this below.
This was just a very brief introduction to this workflow, I’ll make sure to get back to you further down the road with a proper tutorial.